Tuesday 4 February 2014

Big Banter Bastard

Alright sire, it’s just me baby, it’s just Lukat. Back from the dead once again for no feasible reason other than boredom and a pathetic need for attention. Pandering to you freaks and milking it like that Son of Dork reunion that no one wanted. Gone are the good old days of Myspace, pottering about with my rigid black hair and infected piercing trying to seduce insecure emo girls. Pc 4 pc they’d say, a shilling would buy a loaf of bread back in ye olde’ days but look at us now, old and forlorn.

You did this. You dragged me back. Here I am minded my own sweet business trying to watch Japanese girls giggle and sit on each other’s faces when you start flooding my stream with this Neknominate bollocks. Here’s a laugh, let’s drink a pint of dogger…let’s drink a pint of piss…some bleach…some blended dead ferrets, filming it for your own warped vanity, desparate for the applause as you wretch in to your own grubby urchin hands, grinning away like the feckless peasants you are.

I’m furious, furious and foaming at the mouth with rage I can’t even speak rarhghgh errghgh rarghghgghghhghgh. Back in my day we’d drink a pint of piss just for the pure adrenaline thrill and goodness of it. Now here you are filming away with these new fangled camera phones like you’re summat…when you’re nowt. A pint of piss we’d say back in the old days, a pint of piss good barkeep and we’d cycle back home on our penny farthings listening to Lost Prophets on our Walkmans. Back in the good old days when Ian Watkins was still a heart throb… but no… you selfish, judgemental women turned your back on him when he decided to take the music in a daring new direction. The nonce rock genre just wasn’t good enough for you sheep was it? How do you live with yourselves?

By the way if any of you tools feel like nominating me I will gladly drink a pint of your blood.

Well that’s just fine and dandy. What you been up to pal? How’s tricks? Wuu2? How r u? Wubup2????? Fuck off. I’ve been working pal, paying those bloody taxes like a proper boy. Errmmm…not being funny mate…I’m not being funny pal… but some of us have to bloody work instead of writing aimless blogs to sucker in a bunch of page views to compensate for my lack of social life. Errr Lukat you’re not funny now you’ve got a job. You were reyt fun when you were on the dole but you’re crap now. We don’t like you anymore. Up yours. I climbed the corporate ladder and I had to listen to a lot of fucking Radio 2 while I did it. I even worked in a call centre for a grand total of 20 days. ‘Good morning, this is Joe speaking. How can I help you today? Please excuse me for a moment while I confirm with the manager.’ Words like ashes in my mouth. The final straw came after I’d returned from my lunch break and confided in my colleague that during said break I’d read a book, to which he looked as though he was going to vomit in his mouth, confused and enraged by this concept of reading as a leisure activity. Fuck books though eh, fuck em in to the ground, the filthy earth, the cold, wet soil. All that’s left are the torn pages and a learned man’s ejaculate. Books are for fags.

Speaking of books, my book was a towering success. It was snubbed outright by over twelve different London agencies. To this I can only assume that my book was so provocative, so dangerous that they didn’t have the stones to take on a man of my stature. Who could have known a violent existentialist novel set in Burnley, featuring me as the protagonist being haunted by the ghost of the elephant man and a bunch of giant spiders wouldn’t be a critical and commercial success. That’s fine, those sad sacks couldn’t invest in the liquid gold currency that is my blood but here, just for you ultra fans is a snippet of my debut novel.

‘I find her in the back alley, getting finger fucked by this idiot.’


Don’t worry there is plenty more where that came from but for now I’m working in a pretty respectable job with my ‘trendy’ haircut and my protein shakes. I sold out and I’m tapping my Cuban heels a long to the Quo with the best of em’. Don’t stop a rockin’ lads. I’m sure the vengeful lord will take all this away from me soon though. It’s good to be positive. That’s just the kind of bloke he is though, this God bloke. You say one bad thing about the geezer and he’ll give your gran cancer. He’ll kill off Philip Seymour Hoffman…he’ll kill off Heath Ledger...he’ll kill off Dennis Hopper yet the cast of Grown Ups 2 are free to go about their business as they wish, laughing it up over jokes about animal piss and high fiving each other’s farts. That’s the kind of comedy God likes, nothing too wordy, the broad stuff. Slapping his thigh while Kevin James lights up the silver screen. Good banter, quality banter.

That’s what you all want isn’t it? The fucking banter. The cheeky banter. That vague term used by witless idiots as a substitute for a personality. We don’t have any humour to speak of but we are dick heads, which is probably the same thing, so let’s just think of a collective term for it then anyone who’s not a total pecker is considered to be some bland outcast who can’t take a joke. Uhrrhh urhhrrr I only pissed on your chips pal can’t you take a bloody joke pal. I only slaughtered your entire family, can’t you take a bloody jokey joke. Here I am bitterly casting my eye over vulgar women on dating sites, with their big orange faces, wondering whether I look enough like Joey Essex to warrant a reply.

‘I work hard and I play hard. My friends say I’m fun and bubbly. I like a bloke with good banter.’

Yeh right, I’m chubby and dull and want to find a chap who treats me like total shit. Right on sister. You tell em’. Up with that there feminism. Here I am in a quandary, wracked with existential guilt, pondering what exactly banter is and if I have enough of said banter to allow me to get tossed off by a beauty therapist from Nelson. This crushing mental strain leads me to consult a dusty, aged book in the library in the east wing of my home. I brushed through the pages, gently removing the silk like cobwebs that adorned the yellowed script of this particular volume. I thumbed anxiously to the B’s in hope of a resolution to my problem, behold there it was, the elusive knowledge.

Noun (UK)

The humour of knob heads.

To drink several cans of Carling and fart in your bird’s face.

Well glad that’s sorted out. I can sleep well tonight.

See you in hell you bunch of squares.

Yours sincerely,

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